The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.144 A Metamorphosis of the India-Pakistan Relationship? Takenori Horimoto 2 March 2012
No.143 Patriotic Geeks Wanted to Counter a Cyber Militia Motohiro Tsuchiya 17 February 2012
No.142 Revamp Math and Science Education Kazuo Nishimura 10 February 2012
No.141 COP17 and Japan's Contribution Kenji Hiramatsu 30 January 2012
No.140 A New Era for APEC and TPP Takashi Omori 13 January 2012
No.139 Japan-South Korea Relations in 2012: The Need to Strengthen the Foundations Ruriko Kubota 15 December 2011
No.138 Science Diplomacy for Gorilla Ecotourism Juichi Yamagiwa 2 December 2011
No.137 Putin's Return to the Presidency and Its Implications for Asia Shigeki Hakamada 22 November 2011
No.136 World's Most Powerful Computer: Does It Reflect Japan's National Power? Akinori Yonezawa 11 November 2011
No.135 The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction and Japan's Move Toward Ratification Yuko Nishitani 25 October 2011
No.134 Joining TPP: A Key to Japan's Economic Recovery and Prosperity Shujiro Urata 12 October 2011
No.133 Think Hard About Renewable Energy Hiroshi Ohashi 7 October 2011
No.132 Olympism and Japan's Future Seiko Hashimoto 5 October 2011
No.131 What Should We Learn from the Nuclear Crisis? Taizo Yakushiji 28 September 2011
No.130 South China Sea Disputes: Harbinger of Regional Strategic Shift? Yoichi Kato 14 September 2011
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