Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Emerging Technologies and Nuclear Deterrence Relationship
- 04-26-2021
- Hirofumi Tosaki (Senior Research Fellow, Center for Disarmament, Science and Technology, Japan Institute of International Affairs)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] US Export Control of Emerging Technologies
- 04-22-2021
- Yoshiaki Takayama (Research Fellow, Center for Disarmament, Science and Technology (CDSAT), Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA))
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Food Security Policies in the Gulf Arab Countries
- 04-16-2021
- Jun Saito (Associate Senior Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Financial Assistance from GCC Countries and the Democratization of Arab States
- 04-16-2021
- Masaki Matsuo (Associate Professor, Utsunomiya University)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Recent Developments in the Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from the United States and Japan
- 04-16-2021
- Masako Suginohara (Professor, Ferris University)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Potential Conflict between the WTO System and the Security Trade Control System in the Japan-South Korea Dispute
- 04-13-2021
- Tsuyoshi Kawase (Professor, Faculty of Law, Sophia University / RIETI Faculty Fellow)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] US-China Technological Rivalry and Security
- 03-11-2021
- Kazuto Suzuki (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] China's Expanding External Economic Cooperation and Its "Norm"
- 03-02-2021
- Juichi Inada (Professor, Senshu University)
Column / Report / Other Papers
Navigating by Sun and Compass Policy Brief Three:
The Future of Japan-NATO Relations
- 01-15-2021
- Mirna Galic (Senior Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Libyan Conflict and Its Interaction with Geopolitical Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
- 12-24-2020
- Amane Kobayashi (Senior Researcher, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] The Environment Surrounding Saudi Arabia's Economy, With a Focus on Petroleum Policy, Economic Reform, and Foreign Relations
- 12-23-2020
- Toshihiro Nakanishi (Professor, Teikyo University)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] On Economy-Security Linkages
- 12-18-2020
- Keisuke Iida (Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Human Security in Tackling the Coronavirus Pandemic: Japan's Role in a Global Solution
- 12-17-2020
- Daisaku Higashi (Professor, Sophia University)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Iraq's Challenges and the New Prime Minister's Initiatives
- 12-16-2020
- Akiko Yoshioka (Senior Analyst, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] New Dynamics over the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) and Changing Political Systems in the Horn of Africa Region
- 12-08-2020
- Mitsugi Endo (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Multi-hazard Approach to Compound/Cascading Disasters:
Putting Experience in Developing Disaster Risk Reduction to Use in Pandemics
- 12-02-2020
- Mikio Ishiwatari (Visiting Professor, Graduate School The University of Tokyo)
Column / Report / Other Papers
Aeronautical charts made by the US Government in 1953 and 1954: Takeshima as Japanese territory
- 10-26-2020
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Turkey's Diplomacy toward Africa at a Turning Point
—With Special References to Somalia, Sudan, and Libya—
- 10-21-2020
- Masaki Kakizaki (Associate Professor, Temple University, Japan Campus)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports] Submarine Cables and International Relations
- 10-20-2020
- Motohiro Tsuchiya (Professor, Keio University)
Column / Report / Other Papers
[Research Reports]
From the Arab World's "Three No's" to Normalized Ties
—The Establishment of UAE-Bahrain-Israel Diplomatic Relations and the Palestinian Question
- 10-16-2020
- Ryoji Tateyama (Emeritus Professor, National Defense Academy of Japan)