The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.114 How Should Japan Deal With North Korea? Tetsuya Endo 29 March 2011
No.113 Mongolia's Mineral Boom and Japan Yasuyoshi Ichihashi 23 March 2011
No.112 Presence of Mind Needed Akio Watanabe 18 March 2011
No.111 Challenges in Dealing with North Korea Shunji Hiraiwa 3 March 2011
No.110 The Need for Resource Diplomacy Tatsuhiko Yoshizaki 22 February 2011
No.109 Broaden the Debate on TPP Yorizumi Watanabe 18 February 2011
No.108 Open Up to the East Asian Economy in an Era of Competition and Cooperation Toru Nakakita 2 February 2011
No.107 China's Domestic Politics behind the Senkaku Incident Yoshikazu Shimizu 16 December 2010
No.106 Keep the Summit in Sight at COP16 Junichi Fujino 26 November 2010
No.105 The Obama Administration's Security Strategy and the Japan-US Alliance Takashi Kawakami 19 November 2010
No.104 ARF: Move Forward "Not Too Slow" Susumu Yamakage 5 November 2010
No.103 Don't Think Twice about Japanese Politics. It's All Right. Masaru Kohno 2 November 2010
No.102 Deepening the Alliance within an International Security Community Hirotaka Watanabe 29 October 2010
No.100 100th Special Issue
The Future Direction of Japanese Diplomacy
Yasuhiro Nakasone 26 October 2010
No.101 Stagnation and Integration in Europe Toshiro Tanaka 28 September 2010
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