The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.99 Toward a More Flexible ASEM Michito Tsuruoka 22 September 2010
No.98 Russia's Far East and Japan: Obstacles to Cooperation Yoshiaki Nishimura 24 August 2010
No.97 Twin States in East Asia: Japan-ROK Relations in a New Era Masao Okonogi 3 August 2010
No.96 Japan Facing a New Latin America Keiichi Tsunekawa 21 July 2010
No.95 A Growing Love for "Cool Japan" Akira Yamada 7 July 2010
No.94 Japan Should Promote "Heart to Heart" Partnership with Africa Masayuki Tadokoro 17 June 2010
No.93 The Prospects of Japan-NATO Cooperation Yoshikazu Hirose 8 June 2010
No.92 Two Sides of the Same Coin:
Nuclear Disarmament and the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy
Tetsuya Endo 26 May 2010
No.91 Tackling Structural Problems: The Japanese Economy Motoshige Itoh 19 May 2010
No.90 Japan's Defense Industrial Base in Danger of Collapse Yukari Kubota 10 May 2010
No.89 An East Asian Community and Japan-China Relations Yoshihide Soeya 30 April 2010
No.88 Left Behind by the Reform Bandwagon: Ozawa's Political Strategy Hiroshi Hoshi 9 April 2010
No.87 Reforming Japanese Government Policy towards Universities Tatsuo Hatta 19 March 2010
No.86 The Army and Elections in Myanmar Toshihiro Kudo 11 March 2010
No.85 The 'Economic' Implications of the Euro Sahoko Kaji 8 March 2010
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