The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.84 Japan's New Strategy toward the Mekong Region Masahiko Ebashi 3 March 2010
No.83 Rice Policy Reforms in Japan: Seek Food Security through Free Trade Kazuhito Yamashita 15 February 2010
No.82 We Need Both Hatoyama's Decision and Obama's Patience Tsuneo "Nabe" Watanabe 9 February 2010
No.81 Japan's Peacebuilding Policy toward Afghanistan: The Need for a Civilian Surge to Improve Security Yuji Uesugi 28 January 2010
No.80 Improved Cross-Strait Relations Confusing to the Japanese Yasuhiro Matsuda 28 December 2009
No.79 The Meaning of Vibrant Africa Aiko Doden 13 November 2009
No.78 The End of LDP Rule and its Meaning Naoto Nonaka 10 November 2009
No.77 Japan's Nuclear Diplomacy Should Take a Clearer Stand against Iran Ryoji Tateyama 14 October 2009
No.76 The New DPJ Government: Hope for Democratic Foreign Policy Making Jun Iio 6 October 2009
No.75 China Will Not Join Global Nuclear Disarmament Junichi Abe 25 September 2009
No.74 "What is achievable in Afghanistan?
- Japan and Europe should talk straight to the US -"
Yoko Iwama 11 September 2009
No.73 Lessons from the Uighurs' Revolt Keiko Chino 10 September 2009
No.72 Japan Should Work Harder for Nuclear Disarmament Mitsuru Kurosawa 5 August 2009
No.71 Copenhagen and Japan Mutsuyoshi Nishimura 4 August 2009
No.70 Why Japan Needs Science and Technology Diplomacy Taizo Yakushiji 30 June 2009
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