seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription. |
No.69 |
Strategic Implications for Japan of the Relocation of US Marines from Okinawa to Guam |
Matake Kamiya |
23 June 2009 |
No.68 |
Indonesian Politics: Prospects for the Coming Presidential Election |
Takashi Shiraishi |
26 May 2009 |
No.67 |
An Unwelcome Déjà vu: A New US-North Korea Missile Deal |
Hideya Kurata |
20 May 2009 |
No.66 |
The Lessons of the ASDF Iraq Mission |
Ikuo Tohtake |
24 April 2009 |
No.65 |
'Mutually Assured Threat Reduction' for Resolving Iran's Nuclear Problem |
Nobumasa Akiyama |
21 April 2009 |
No.64 |
Why is the Pacific Islands Summit Important? |
Izumi Kobayashi |
17 April 2009 |
No.63 |
Pakistan: Change in Mindset Needed to Counter Threats from Within |
Shuichi Igawa |
15 April 2009 |
No.62 |
The Financial Crisis: Address Structural Problems Immediately |
Toyoo Gyohten |
12 March 2009 |
No.61 |
Japan's Contribution toward Afghan State Building
--- At the Eve of U.S. Policy Review --- |
Sadako Ogata |
19 February 2009 |
No.60 |
Enhanced Japan-US Collaboration for African Development |
Kenzo Oshima |
18 February 2009 |
No.59 |
What to Expect from the New US Administration #6 Big Challenges to Climate Change |
Yasuko Kameyama |
10 February 2009 |
No.58 |
Japan Should Immediately Dispatch Naval Ships off Somalia |
Hideaki Kaneda |
4 February 2009 |
No.57 |
Reinforcing American Extended Deterrence for Japan:
An Essential Step for Nuclear Disarmament |
Yukio Satoh |
3 February 2009 |
No.56 |
Reconstruction of Afghanistan |
Kinichi Komano |
29 January 2009 |
No.55 |
Reform of the UN Human Rights Mechanism: Current State and Challenges |
Yozo Yokota |
23 January 2009 |