The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.69 Strategic Implications for Japan of the Relocation of US Marines from Okinawa to Guam Matake Kamiya 23 June 2009
No.68 Indonesian Politics: Prospects for the Coming Presidential Election Takashi Shiraishi 26 May 2009
No.67 An Unwelcome Déjà vu: A New US-North Korea Missile Deal Hideya Kurata 20 May 2009
No.66 The Lessons of the ASDF Iraq Mission Ikuo Tohtake 24 April 2009
No.65 'Mutually Assured Threat Reduction' for Resolving Iran's Nuclear Problem Nobumasa Akiyama 21 April 2009
No.64 Why is the Pacific Islands Summit Important? Izumi Kobayashi 17 April 2009
No.63 Pakistan: Change in Mindset Needed to Counter Threats from Within Shuichi Igawa 15 April 2009
No.62 The Financial Crisis: Address Structural Problems Immediately Toyoo Gyohten 12 March 2009
No.61 Japan's Contribution toward Afghan State Building
--- At the Eve of U.S. Policy Review ---
Sadako Ogata 19 February 2009
No.60 Enhanced Japan-US Collaboration for African Development Kenzo Oshima 18 February 2009
No.59 What to Expect from the New US Administration #6
Big Challenges to Climate Change
Yasuko Kameyama 10 February 2009
No.58 Japan Should Immediately Dispatch Naval Ships off Somalia Hideaki Kaneda 4 February 2009
No.57 Reinforcing American Extended Deterrence for Japan:
An Essential Step for Nuclear Disarmament
Yukio Satoh 3 February 2009
No.56 Reconstruction of Afghanistan Kinichi Komano 29 January 2009
No.55 Reform of the UN Human Rights Mechanism: Current State and Challenges Yozo Yokota 23 January 2009
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