The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.54 What to Expect from the New US Administration #5
Japan-US Relations under the Obama Administration
Fumiaki Kubo 15 January 2009
No.53 What to Expect from the New US Administration #4
Have Closer Consultations with Japan, Please!
Masashi Nishihara 9 January 2009
No.52 We Need a Stronger Global Compact Japan Network Toshio Arima 24 December 2008
No.51 Why has Japan had so many PMs? Yasuhiro Tase 10 December 2008
No.50 What to Expect from the New US Administration #3
The Financial Crisis and Foreign Policy
Naoki Tanaka 28 October 2008
No.49 Japan Needs to Talk About What It Will Do for Itself Yukio Okamoto 22 October 2008
No.48 Managing Crisis and Expectations in the Alliance Koji Murata 21 October 2008
No.47 What to Expect from the New US Administration #2
Global Imbalances: A Neglected Issue in the US Financial Crisis
Akira Kojima 8 October 2008
No.46 What to Expect from the New US Administration #1
A Japanese Perspective on Expectations for Global Leadership
Hitoshi Tanaka 7 October 2008
No.45 What will become of China after the Olympics? Satoshi Amako 2 October 2008
No.44 The New PM Should Exercise Strong Diplomatic Leadership Hiroshi Hirabayashi 12 September 2008
No.43 What Does Russia's Action Mean for Us? Kenichi Ito 9 September 2008
No.42 Fostering Global Talent is Key to Bolstering Competitiveness Sakie Tachibana Fukushima 2 September 2008
No.41 Overcoming Obstacles to Closer Japan-Korea-China Cooperation Akio Takahara 21 August 2008
No.40 The Hokkaido G8 Summit and Nuclear Energy Tetsuya Endo 12 August 2008
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