The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.39 From the Toyako Summit to Copenhagen Mutsuyoshi Nishimura 5 August 2008
No.38 Japan-Russia Relations after Putin Masamori Sase 1 August 2008
No.37 Maritime Japan Should Reinforce Maritime Defense Capability Masashi Nishihara 17 July 2008
No.36 Simpleminded or Farsighted? - The US' handling of North Korea Masahiro Matsumura 7 July 2008
No.35 Japan as a Leader in Tackling Climate Change Yoriko Kawaguchi 1 July 2008
No.34 Challenges for Japan's Space Strategy Setsuko Aoki 26 June 2008
No.33 Japan's Role in a New Paradigm Shift Setsuzo Kohsaka 30 May 2008
No.32 Asian Democracies Should Be Taken More Seriously Masayuki Tadokoro 14 May 2008
No.31 Human Security: Why Japan Should Do More Izumi Nakamitsu Lennartsson 8 May 2008
No.30 TICAD: For Overcoming a Sense of Distance between Japan and Africa Asahiko Mihara 30 April 2008
No.29 Asia's Lessons for African Development Strategies Matsuo Watanabe & Atsushi Hanatani 8 April 2008
No.28 A New Era for Japan-ROK Relations Hiroyasu Akutsu 14 March 2008
No.27 A Remedy for the Subprime Crisis: Time to Utilize Postal Savings Heizo Takenaka 11 March 2008
No.26 Atoms for the Sustainable Future: Utilization of Nuclear Energy as a Way to Cope with Energy and Environmental Challenges Tetsuya Endo 21 February 2008
No.25 SDF Peace Missions for Stable Japan-China Relations Tomohide Murai 20 February 2008
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