The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.24 Japan-China Relations: How to Build a "Strategic Relationship of Mutual Benefit"? Seiichiro Takagi 13 February 2008
No.23 Challenges for Japanese ODA Takao Kawakami 5 February 2008
No.22 The Six Party Talks Still Crucial to Japan's Abduction Issue Hideya Kurata 25 January 2008
No.21 Help China Improve Environmental Awareness Katsuya Tsurusaki 24 January 2008
No.20 "Heart to Heart" Relations with ASEAN: The Fukuda Doctrine Revisited Tsutomu Kikuchi 21 December 2007
No.19 Japan's Evolving Relations with China Yoshio Okawara 14 December 2007
No.18 Global Health and Japan's Initiatives Tsutomu Takeuchi 11 December 2007
No.17 East China Sea Dispute: Learn from the Australians and East Timorese Yasuhiro Goto 7 December 2007
No.16 America, Don't Count on Our Followership Masahiro Matsumura 4 December 2007
No.15 Toward World Water Welfare: A More Systematic Approach Needed Taikan Oki 22 November 2007
No.14 Revision of Article 9 Should Assume New Security Treaty with US Yoshihide Soeya 30 October 2007
No.13 Strengthening Security Cooperation with Australia: A New Security Means for Japan Yoshinobu Yamamoto 9 October 2007
No.12 Security Council Reform: The P5's Responsibility to Act Yukio Satoh 1 October 2007
No.11 Russia Reverting to Type Shigeki Hakamada 31 August 2007
No.10 Reenergizing Japan's ASEAN Policy Nobutoshi Akao 2 August 2007
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