The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.189 Japan-US Security Consultative Committee at Tokyo
From 'Quiet Transformation' to 'Noteworthy Institutionalization' of the Alliance
Ryo Sahashi 21 November 2013
No.188 Tokyo 2020: Making the Most of Its Intangible Value Wakako YUKI 20 November 2013
No.187 TICAD V: Establishing Africa as a Continent of Opportunities for Japan and the World Akihiko TANAKA 7 November 2013
No.186 The TPP and the Internationalization of Japanese Agriculture Masayoshi HONMA 18 October 2013
No.185 Strategy Sharing rather than Reflection Sharing (2): A Principle for Proactive Relations with Korea Kazuo Ogoura 12 September 2013
No.184 Strategy Sharing rather than Reflection Sharing (1): A Principle for Proactive Relations with Korea Kazuo Ogoura 11 September 2013
No.183 US-China Summit Meeting Brings Sigh of Relief to Japan Hiroyuki Akita 22 August 2013
No.182 A Shockwave from the Mecca of Soccer, Brazil - A Drive to Understand the NICs Individually Kotaro HORISAKA 21 August 2013
No.181 Moving ASEAN and AEC Forward Beyond 2015 Hidetoshi Nishimura 14 August 2013
No.180 Xi Jinping's "Chinese Dream" and the Unity of the Chinese Nation Yusuke Anami 13 August 2013
No.179 The Japan-Taiwan Fisheries Agreement Will Not "Contain China" Madoka FUKUDA 19 June 2013
No.178 Japan should turn its attention to higher added-value investment in Indonesia Yuri Sato 11 June 2013
No.177 Serious Efforts Necessary to Reinvigorating the WTO Junji Nakagawa 4 June 2013
No.176 Abenomics Brings Japan out of the Lost Two Decades Hajime Takata 31 May 2013
No.175 TICAD V: Japan Should Contribute to Sustained Development of African Economy Keiichi Tsunekawa 8 May 2013
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