The Japan Institute of International Affairs

AJISS Commentary seeks to inform world opinion of Japanese ideas on Japan and international affairs. AJISS-Commentary is available on this website and through free subscription.
No.174 Japan Needs to Establish National Crisis Management System to Protect Own Nationals from Terrorism Toshiyuki Shikata 28 March 2013
No.173 A Golden Opportunity for Japan's Regional Integration Policy: TPP, RCEP, and CJK Takashi Terada 26 March 2013
No.172 Japanese and South Korean Leaders Should Strengthen Public Diplomacy Tadashi Kimiya 21 March 2013
No.171 Prime Minister Abe and President Obama Can Strengthen the Alliance Fumiaki Kubo 19 February 2013
No.170 The Case for Japan's Energy Strategy after the Shale Revolution Naoatsu Aoyama 30 January 2013
No.169 Japan Should Strengthen Naval Cooperation with India Hideaki Kaneda 17 January 2013
No.168 Japan: a Treasure Trove for Approaches to Dealing with the European Crisis Hajime Takata 19 December 2012
No.167 The Future of Japanese Domestic Politics and Japan's Path Ahead Katsuyuki Yakushiji 13 December 2012
No.166 No Conceivable Alternative to Democracy Masayuki Tadokoro 30 November 2012
No.165 Nuclear Energy is Indispensable for Japan's Future Yoshiyuki Kasai 13 November 2012
No.164 Japan Should Stand Firm on the Senkaku Islands Dispute Masashi Nishihara 6 November 2012
No.163 The Case for Long-Term Assistance for Egypt Takeji Ino 31 October 2012
No.162 Japanese Response to the 3rd Armitage-Nye Report Takashi Kawakami 9 October 2012
No.161 Will the Xi Jinping Leadership Change China? Satoshi Amako 5 October 2012
No.160 Japan Should Take Steps for Strategic Use of ODA Juichi Inada 2 October 2012
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